What to expect after your adjustment
Congratulations on your first adjustment! What a wonderful step in to a wellness lifestyle — let’s go over some of the most common things you and/or your little one might be experiencing after your spinal alignment.
If this is your very first time being adjusted your body might physically respond one of three different ways:
You fell better! We love when this happens :) You’ve gotten some relief from your symptoms, you’ve gained mobility, and you’ve released some tension. Not too much to go over here other than enjoy it!
You feel the same - this is totally normal! Especially, for people who have been experiencing dysfunction for a significant amount of time, it take time to see results. Don’t worry, most people take an average of 3-6 adjustments to feel significant changes.
You feel a little worse - this is normal too, I’m sure you’ve heard of the “it gets worse before it gets better” when it comes to things like fevers and colds, well the same applies to the nervous system when it is healing and becoming balanced. There’s nothing wrong with you or your body, it’s just the course some people’s body take during the healing process.
NOTE: Some soreness and aches are totally normal, but feeling a severe increase in symptoms, pain, or reduced mobility is a sign that something deeper is going on. If you experience anything like this, please contact Dr. Skylar directly so she can help guide you in what action to take next.
Little Ones
Infants and children respond differently than adults when it comes to adjustment. While they too experience relief, better mobility and balance, you’ll also notice some other very normal things after an adjustment.
Sleep - it is very common for little ones to sleep and sleep hard after an adjustment, especially in the beginning of care. This is their nervous systems resetting and it is totally normal and good for them! Just let them sleep, their body knows what it needs and for them it’s rest in this moment. If you feel they need to be roused for a feeding (if they're very little) go ahead and feed them, but otherwise, let them get that sleep.
Poop - sometimes this happens in the office during the adjustment :) But a big #2 (sometimes a shocking amount) is also totally normal and common after a little one gets adjusted.
Increased vitality - it’s more common for little ones to have a good sleep after an adjustment, but some get the energy of life in them and that’s normal too! You may notice a happier demeanor, better coordination, and more balanced movement. These are all some wonderfully normal and beneficial side effects of spinal adjustments in little ones.
While these are the most common experiences after adjustments for little ones and adults, everyone is unique and different and you might have an experience not mentioned above. Know that your body is intelligent and constantly working to heal you - so trust in the process. If you feel that you need to contact Dr. Skylar to discuss anything post-adjustment, please do not hesitate! She is here for you and your family.
Call or text Dr. Skylar directly at (636) 791-6326