Little Bee-Well

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What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is a chiropractic adjustment suited particularly well for pregnant moms in preparation for a balanced birth. The Webster Technique alleviates structural strains in the pelvis so the mother and baby can achieve optimal positioning prior to birth. Among the many factors that go into a healthy pregnancy and birth, the Webster Technique covers two essentials:

  1. Improved uterine spacing, ligament function, and pelvic balance.

  2. A healthy nervous system to mediate normal physiology.

Pregnant moms have a great advantage working with chiropractic and the Webster Technique. Beginning early provides the greatest benefit, however it’s never too late to achieve positive results!

Chiropractic helps support physiology and birth mechanics to alleviate the need for external interventions. By supporting the body’s on natural ability to give birth, we can achieve safer, easier birth outcomes.

Seeking out chiropractic care during pregnancy provides the additional benefit of establishing care so that your newborn can be checked for misalignments after birth.

The Webster Technique allows moms to assure a safer, easier birth. It promotes the ideal conditions in the body for physiologically driven birth. With pelvic alignment and ideal fetal positioning, birth can happen as it was designed to - free of interference. This is the safest way to give birth for the baby.

A common disbelief is that chiropractors can turn a baby from breech position. However, this notion betrays an essential component of how chiropractic works.

Chiropractors do not “turn breech babies.” They open up the space and align the body so the baby can find the position that’s most ideal for his or her birth. This is often head down, occiput anterior, but now always.

After birth, babies need to adjust to the outside world. They need to learn to breastfeed and adapt to stressors. Sometimes they do this without the need for any external considerations. However, if trauma is present from birth, or if structural misalignments exist, these natural functions may be inhibited.

With chiropractic, we not only assure the ideal conditions for birth, we make sure the child is set up for the best possible start to a healthy development.