Chiropractic and pregnancy
How prenatal chiropractic care can improve your pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
You might have noticed that chiropractic care is becoming a popular addition to birth preparation for many pregnant women. I couldn’t be happier that this is getting traction in the prenatal world. Women and babies are experiencing the great benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy and are enjoying improved health outcomes because of it.
How Chiropractic Helps Mom
During your pregnancy, obviously, your body will go through a lot of changes. Physically, your weight will increase, your center of gravity shifts with your growing belly, and your body will have postural compensations as a response to these changes. Additionally, an increase in ligament laxity, which is necessary for birth, will also add to potential instability of all of your joints including your spine and pelvis.
Chiropractic care helps to manage these physical changes by supporting the body and maintaining balance throughout the spine and especially the pelvis. Postural adaptations, weight gain, and ligament laxity can all contribute to common aches and pains experienced during pregnancy, but adjustments help to ease this discomfort and avoid potential sprains and strains that may occur.
In addition to the physical support of your body, chiropractic adjustments influence nervous system function and this is of course vitally important, especially during pregnancy. Your nerves carry the signals from your brain to all aspects of your body to coordinate and organize proper function, this includes your uterus and reproductive system. Having an optimally functioning nervous system ensures proper communication to your reproductive organs during pregnancy and birth.
preparing for birth
Birth is a huge physical (and emotional) accomplishment. Like any other physical challenge, the body does its best when it is prepared. The way your body prepares for birth is extensive and chiropractic helps to support this process. Women who receive regular adjustments throughout their pregnancy often experience more enjoyable births, better health outcomes, and less medical interventions. This is because structurally, chiropractic helps to prepare the pelvis for the birthing process. A balanced pelvis supports an optimal birthing experience.
Not only will you benefit from a balanced pelvis, but your baby will as well. When your pelvis is in good alignment, it allows your baby to find his/her best birthing position (ideally head down). Having your baby in an ideal position for birth is beneficial for both parties involved because it will reduce labor times and the stress and strain your baby experiences during the birthing process.
Read more about the Webster Technique here.
Adjustments are safe for you and your baby
Prenatal chiropractors are specially trained to work with pregnant women and will employ specific techniques and use special tables and tools to keep you and your baby safe. Adjustments are gentle and specific to ensure the most health benefits for you and your baby. If you have any specific questions about how chiropractic adjustments are performed during pregnancy, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Skylar.
Postpartum and pediatric care
Chiropractic care during pregnancy is amazing and has helped thousands of women prepare for birth. But remember, even the best of births are stressful physically to both mother and baby. That is why it is important to have yourself and your baby (they went through the whole experience too!) checked postpartum - I like to see mom and baby within the first two weeks. This helps me to best support you during your postpartum healing journey and ensure that your little one is balanced after his/her great journey into the world.