6 benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy (and birth)
So you’re thinking about adding chiropractic care to your prenatal care, well here are 6 benefits you can expect while receiving care.
Natural Pain Relief
We all know that it’s best to avoid medications (which are chemicals) as much as possible while pregnant, including over the counter pain relievers. But there are definitely some annoying aches and pains that come along with pregnancy, especially when you get close to the end - that’s where chiropractic can be a great option for managing these aches and pains.
Some very common complaints that we see mama’s come in with:
Low back pain
SI pain
Pelvic pain
Pubic bone pain
Rib pain
Carpal tunnel
Aching feet, ankles, knees, and hips
While it’s easy and convenient to pop a few OTC pain relievers, studies are pointing to potential harm to your baby. A growing body of research shows that “prenatal exposure to APAP [otherwise known as acetaminophen] might alter fetal development, which could increase the risks of some neurodevelopmental, reproductive and urogenital disorders.”
Chiropractic adjustments are extremely affective at managing musculoskeletal pain in a drug-free manner. A win-win for you and your baby.
2. Pelvic Balance - Better Baby Position
You may have heard of the Webster Technique a pregnancy specific adjustment that helps to balance the mother’s pelvis. When the pelvis and surrounding muscles and ligaments are properly balanced and relaxed, it creates an environment in which your baby is better able to achieve the ideal head down position. Getting adjustments regularly and early on throughout your pregnancy helps you to avoid breech positioning (and often a resulting c-section), compared to women who don’t receive chiropractic care. Obviously, this isn’t a guarantee, there are instances in which you baby will choose to be bottom down for anatomical reasons - but women who get their pelvis’ balanced during pregnancy often have better outcomes than those who don’t.
3. Improved Birth Outcomes
You read that right! Women who receive regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy will often experience quicker and less stressful births with fewer medical interventions. Why? Because adjustments during pregnancy help to prepare your body for the birthing process by balancing your pelvis and improving the communication between your brain and body via your nervous system. Anatomically, if your pelvis is in a good position, there will be less chances of stalled labor (dystocia) due to a physical obstruction - narrowing of the birth canal or poor positioning of baby due to pelvic restrictions in the mother.
Additionally, chiropractic adjustments help to improve the communication between your brain and body. This is absolutely necessary during the birth process so that the progression of labor continues appropriately: contractions, dilation of the cervix, etc. When there is interference to this communication, again labor can be stalled or become difficult.
4. Supports Stability and Posture
It’s no secret that your posture and body mechanics change drastically during pregnancy. The shifting of your center of gravity causes you to lean backwards and tilt your head forward. You may notice more rounding in your shoulders and a feeling of “looseness” in your pelvis and hips. This is all very normal but can cause problems when left undressed.
Keeping your joints in proper position and moving correctly will help aid in your body’s stability. Allowing you to better maintain an ideal posture, as much as possible. There’s a lot of changes that come with pregnancy, chiropractic helps your body adjust better to them.
5. Calms The Nervous System
Pregnancy is stressful. Birth can be stressful. It’s a huge life change in so many different ways. Even the most calm yogi mom will feel the stress and anxiety build as she walks through pregnancy. Stress in all forms, prevents your body from functioning optimally and can cause some nasty side effects. Adjustments specifically target the nervous system and helps to bring ease and balance back to the body. Amazingly, adjustments can help you get into a parasympathetic state (rest and digest), which is optimal for growing a little human.
6. Boosts Immune System
One of the craziest things about pregnancy is that it suppresses your immune system. There’s a lot of reasons why this takes place, but in the simplest form, your body doesn’t want you to go and attack your growing baby. That is super great and awesome for the baby, not always so great for you because now you’re more susceptible to colds and illnesses. And no one wants to be sick, especially when they’re pregnant. Luckily, chiropractic is a natural immune booster! Affecting your nervous system and the control centers of you immune system, you will get an improvement in immune function with regular chiropractic adjustments. This is great during pregnancy and beyond.
There’s a lot of things that are great about chiropractic care during pregnancy and these 6 are just some of the biggest benefits. If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant soon, don’t wait! Schedule your chiropractic visit today for a healthier tomorrow for you and your little one.