Little Bee-Well

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How chiropractic improves y0ur body function

Everything that takes place in your body is regulated by information contained in your brain and nervous system. Your brain is the master control center of every function in your body.

Your spinal cord and nerves that branch off like a tree, send signals from your brain to every muscle, tissue, and organ telling them what to do and how to do it. The branching nerve network will also send information back to your brain about everything you're experiencing and keep it up to date about what’s going on in your body. This communication never stops.

Just some of the functions that are controlled by your nervous system includes:

  • Healing

  • Digestion

  • Blood pressure regulation

  • Hormone production

  • Immune system function

  • Muscular and skeletal system functions

  • Detoxification and elimination of waste

  • Reproduction

Such an important system, your brain and spinal cord are held within your skull and bony spine to protect it from injuries. Pound for pound, bone is harder than cast iron or steel.

While the nervous system is well protected, it can still be affected by traumas large and small, which will affect its function.

Common traumas include:

  • Poor posture

  • Falls, accidents, physical injuries

  • Chronic stress

  • Pregnancy

  • Difficult (and “normal”) births

  • Repetitive movements and tasks

When these traumas accumulate in your body they cause irritation and stress on your nervous system, affecting its ability to properly relay communications between your brain and body. The reduced and altered communication will manifest as system dysfunction or possibly pain in your body, but not always.

What does interference to the nervous system look like?

  • Poor posture

  • Pain in your joints, muscles, or connective tissues

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Constipation or GI issues

  • Anxiety

  • In little ones we could see the same issues plus colic, reflux, feeding struggles, head tilt, flat head syndrome, and more

Chiropractors are the only trained health providers to remove this interference in the nervous system through spinal adjustments. When you are well adjusted, not only will your body feel better, but it will also function better and you will be better equipped to adapt to the stressors we all experience in our lives.

Do you have questions about how chiropractic can help you and your family? Reach out to us at Little Bee-Well Chiropractic. We would love to connect with you.