Boosting Fertility (With Chiropractic!)
Written by Dr. Megan Epps, June 17, 2023
During those times when you started to feel that you have a baby growing in your womb, especially for the newbies, you probably have experienced mixed emotions. You would think of a few adjustments in your daily activities. You get excited and think of prenatal vitamins. You would start to research food to increase fertility and hormones.
Have you ever thought that your mindset might have a significant effect on your ability to conceive? Your mindset may have a direct impact on your fertility. Your conception journey greatly depends on your way of thinking, your attitudes, and how you adjust your lifestyle to nurture the baby in your womb.
Mindset is the connection between your body and your mind. It affects your body and physical health. And likewise, your body would have an impact on your mental health.
Research has proven that a healthy state of mind goes with a healthy well-being. This transcends to a strong immune system that can help in managing stress. As a result, it would also significantly have a positive effect on your hormonal balance.
Think and Feel Positive
The way you move and react to situations around determines your behavior. When you think and feel positive, it is most likely that you would take a positive action that will benefit you.
For example, if you think and feel positively towards the chances that you are able to conceive, you would consider making some adjustments in your daily routines such as going to bed early and having a complete and healthy diet. You might refrain from physically stressing yourself such as overworking.
On the other hand, if you think and feel that you are against the odds, you tend to stay up late resulting in not having enough quality sleep. You might also tire yourself too much by going out with friends or doing heavy house chores. Therefore, your attitudes and outlook have an effect even on those little choices you take on your daily activities.
Positive Thinking Plays a Key Role in Conceiving
Ideally, we need to be healthily processing negative emotions and trauma. Positive thinking is helpful, but not the be all to end all. Underlying those positive thinking is your ability to process negativity. It is your mental strength and emotions that dictate how you can manage those negative thoughts.
There are instances that you would think that your world seems to go upside down. Feelings of hopelessness, frustrations, and brokenheartedness would start to envelop your whole being. Much more, financial problems and family responsibilities are inevitable, but how we process and handle those stressors help change our mindset and physical reaction. Welcome those negative feelings as learning opportunities.
Chiropractic Can Help in Mind Setting
More often, you get a consult with your chiropractor for overall wellness, and those struggling with infertility issues are included. Little you may have realized that those visits have a positive effect on your body, and mind.
Many patients under care find that their ability to conceive increases with a healthy and balanced body. Chiropractic does cure infertility, but it has a significant role in reducing stress and its interference to your body, and most importantly, to your nervous system. Your chiropractor takes care of your health from the inside out.
Risk factors for unknown infertility include a dysfunctional nervous system, nutritional imbalance, and stress. Stress may include, at certain levels, conceiving a baby. Your body is aware that during conception, there is a baby to nurture. If your body perceives the stress as a threat to the health of the mother and baby, it won’t conceive at all.
You might have heard stories of couples who are conceiving, only to be informed after that they couldn’t have babies after all. The pressure got overpowering!
Chiropractors would give their professional advice on physical things like healthy nutrition, hormones, and quality sleep while focusing on processes that could subdue stressors. All these can have a significant impact on fertility. Regular chiropractic visits can help in your respiratory, blood circulation, and digestion. These positive effects may help the fertilized egg to traverse through the fallopian tubes smoothly.
Trust your body, believe in yourself that you are capable of conceiving. Seek out help with mindset and managing stress.
For couples who are struggling with infertility, both husband and wife would undergo chiropractic adjustments. A couple’s wellness is one of the routine procedures in Dover Health Care Center. You’ve got the right team at DHCC and discover the many benefits!